Opposition mounts against Wisconsin town's request for Great Lakes water

Petoskey News, March 7, 2016
Author: Mark Johnson

Opposition continues to grow against a Wisconsin town’s request for a Great Lakes water diversion. 

According to a Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council press release, a combination of environmental and conservation organizations and other organizations throughout the state, totaling more than 25, signed a letter to Gov. Rick Snyder asking he deny a diversion request of approximately 10.1 million gallons of water per day submitted by the city of Waukesha in Wisconsin. The organizations claim the proposal fails to meet legal standards of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact.

“We want to ensure any diversion requests meet the strict standards of the compact,” said Jennifer McKay, Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council policy specialist. “This is a showing across the state that we collectively feel the application submitted by the city of Waukesha falls short.”